Best Mods In 2018 - Best Seller In Vapesourcing

Yesterday we talk about the best start kits in 2018, and today I want to show the best mods which are hot selling in vaping market in 2017, their heat will last until 2018.

No.1 Eleaf iStick 100W

I have to admit that the reason why it is hot sell among 2017 is its low price. But you can not deny this mod give you a great feel in your hand and give you a powerful vaping experience.

No.2 RX GEN3 TC Box Mod

It is no exaggeration to say gen3 mod is the best seller from July, 2017 to later, popular comparatively.  When it released by wismec brand,  so many people buy it that it sold out for a lot of time. As the 3rd generation of reuleaux box mod, it is smaller, lighter and more ergonomic.

No.3 Vandy Vape Pulse BF Squonk Box Mod

As a squonk mod, it is No.1 among squonk mods in the market. So many people from FB, ecf and other platform ask us when it is in stock. Pulse 24 bf rda is the best tank to pair with this mod.

No.4 WISMEC Reuleaux RX2/3 Mod

RX2/3 Mod features replaceable back covers for two or three cells, which is designed by JayBo. It adopts high power output of 150W or 200W design and temperature control function. It uses upgradeable firmware, custom logo and large OLED display. With novel design and innovative style, it will be much attractive and popular.


As t-priv kit is hot sell in 2017, this mod is welcomed as well.  The mod is well sized for portability and, thanks to its 32mm width, it will also look good with any size tank on it. Today I just introduce these five mods for you. If there has more hot selling mods later, I will update this article. Thank you!




