How Electronic Cigarettes Work

Compared to smoking, vaping is very complicated. With cigarettes, you just set fire to the tobacco end and inhale what comes out of the filter, but with E-cigs, you have to contend with different batteries, a multitude of different atomizers, a cornucopia of e-liquids and much more. There is a lot of information out there, but getting to the facts and understanding everything isn't easy. That's why we're starting a series of posts on the basics of vaping: to give new vapers and smokers considering switching all of the information you need to make your decision and get started with vaping. We already talk about what's an E-cig before, so in this page, I am gonna skip it and directly start with how does an E-cig work. OK Let's get start. How does it work? Basically, an atomizer heats the liquid (often called "e-juice") to its boiling point and that becomes vapor you can inhale. That is why smoking e-cigarettes is often called "vaping". Remember the cheesy fog machine you had at your prom? It's the same principle. You can still get three-piece e-cigarettes with a separate battery, atomizer and refillable cartridge. Most popular brands of e-cigarettes, however, combine the atomizer and cartridge into one "cartomizer." These have the advantage of being disposable, so you don't have to spend time cleaning or refilling your cartridge. The cartridges also last longer because the poly-foam surrounding the heating coil limits the amount of liquid that is vaporized at once. The coil will eventually run out, but you can just buy a new atomizer head and keep using the tank section. How much e-cigarettes cost normally? Each cartridge will hold a smoker over for about as long as a pack of cigarettes. That means they are relatively cheap, especially if you live in a city like New York, with a pack of five flavor cartridges costing about the same ($12) as a pack of tobacco cigarettes. Starter kits, which usually include batteries, a charger and a few cartridges, range from $30 to $100. So, does it produce smoke or what? It produces a big cloud of vapor, which dissipates very quickly and has the subtle smell of whatever flavor cartridge you buy, like mint, tobacco or raspberry. E-cigarette users can certainly stand out in no-smoking establishments, which is why some businesses have banned them. But there is no lingering, heavy cloud of smoke like with tobacco cigarettes. How long have they been around? Since 2003, when Hon Lik, a pharmacist in China, developed a version to help him stop smoking. E-cigarettes starting appearing in the United States and Europe around 2006 to 2007, but most people had no idea they were around. Over the last couple of years, they began to become the subject of countless trend pieces in the media. You can totally blame hipsters in bars, who, no longer allowed to light up American Spirits or "rollie" cigarettes indoors, turned to e-cigarettes. Well, guys, If you wanna know more about E-cig's information, please continue follow our web And we will do better and better for you guys.




