The History Of Electronic Cigarettes

Despite being relatively new to the global market electronic cigarettes have indeed been around for some time. Being a young market the technology is constantly advancing of course and so it is safe to say that what is already an amazingly enjoyable experience for many will continue to be so, and more. The beauty of the modern world is that we have technology at our fingertips which opens doors previously closed, that makes it easier to achieve something and of course enhances enjoyment. The electronic cigarette does all of this as it offers a cleaner, cheaper and many report a more enjoyable smoking experience to the less advanced traditional tobacco smoking habit. The original idea. The first recorded instance of an individual having designed an e cig device was a gentleman called Herbert A Gilbert. Back in 1963 Gilbert filed a patent on his electronic cigarette design however unfortunately the idea didn't take off. Many now suspect that while Gilbert could clearly see the benefits of e smoking and perhaps the negatives associated with tobacco smoking many others weren't as enlightened. In the sixties and in fact up until ten years ago smoking was commonplace and took place everywhere from doctor office waiting rooms, on aeroplanes, other public transports and of course in cafes, restaurants and public houses. A shift in attitudes toward smoking, a better understanding of the risks surrounding tobacco smoking and more advanced technology were simply not tools that Gilbert had to hand at the time. 2003 brings electronic cigarettes to the fore. After his father tragically died of lung cancer a forward-thinking Chinese pharmacist, a smoker himself, set about to revolutionise what was soon to become commonly known as the electronic cigarette. Han Lik's prototype enabled smokers to enjoy the sensation of smoking without the risks specifically associated with tobacco cigarettes. With the full support of the company he worked for Lik took his design and turned it into the early version on the modern e-cigarette. The company Lik worked with changed their name to Ruyan which translates to 'like smoking' (as the e cig is like / is an alternative to a tobacco cigarette) and the reaction from Chinese consumers was more positive than ever could have been anticipated. Initially enjoyed primarily in China the success of Lik's e cigarette soon spread to numerous countries within Europe and in 2007 was adopted by the American market. In 2009 both Canada and Australia banned electronic cigarettes. The FDA (US) also stopped electronic cigarettes from being imported into the country citing the reason that electronic cigarettes were a product that should they believed be formally registered. A bitter fight between retailers and manufacturers and the FDA began and multiple lawsuits have been filed (mostly against the FDA). The newly formed Electronic Cigarette Association was created to champion the e cigarette cause and petition relevant bodies to ensure that any law/regulations involving e-smoking was decided upon in an open, fair and informed manner. The modern e-cigarette was invented in 2003 by Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik, and as of 2015 most e-cigarettes are made in China. Since they were first sold in 2004 their global use has risen exponentially. In the US and UK their use is widespread, and a significant proportion of schoolchildren use them. Reasons for using e-cigarettes involve trying to quit smoking, reduce risk, or save money, though many use them recreationally. A majority of users still smoke tobacco, causing concerns that dual use may "delay or deter quitting". About 60% of UK users are smokers and roughly 40% are ex-smokers, while use among never-smokers is "negligible". Because of overlap with tobacco laws and medical drug policies, e-cigarette legislation is debated in many countries. An European directive in 2016, set limits for liquids and vaporizers, ingredients, and child-proof liquid containers. As of August 2016, the US FDA extended its regulatory power to include e-cigarettes. There are around 500 brands of e-cigarette with global sales in excess of US$7 billion. Some famous brands such like Smok, Eleaf, Wismec, Joyetech and so on...




