Trends New Study Adults Who Vape Flavoured E-Cigs Have More Smoking Cessation Success

In line with findings by multiple other studies, a recent study released by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) on the relationship between flavored e-cigarettes and smoking initiation and cessation, has indicated that adults who switch to flavoured e-cigarettes are more likely to be successful at quitting smoking.

While multiple entities insist that flavours serve only to entice teens to take up vaping, research keeps indicating that flavoured vaping products actually help adults switch to the safer alternatives. In fact, the current study found that the overall consumption of flavoured products was not linked to teen vaping initiation. On the other hand it was strongly associated with adult smoking cessation success, with adults who switched to flavoured vaping products as opposed to non-flavoured ones, being more likely to quit smoking altogether.

This massive study gathered data from a cohort of 17,929 participants. Relative to vaping tobacco flavours, vaping non tobacco-flavoured e-cigarettes was not associated with increased youth smoking initiation but was associated with an increase in the odds of adult smoking cessation,read the study Abstract. Other recent independent studies have found that curiosity and appearing cool, were the main motivators for some teens to try vaping, not flavours.

Colorado Smoke-Free Association: this study highlights the importance of flavours

This report by JAMA highlights the importance of the Rocky Mountain Smoke-Free Alliance's mission and goals,said Amanda Wheeler, vice president of RMSFA. Since the inception of RMSFA, our two missions have been to reduce youth access to vaping and help adults who are seeking alternatives to stop smoking. This report further proves adults across America depend on flavored vapor to reduce or eliminate their cigarette addiction."

"Furthermore, last week, Colorado legislators postponed indefinitely House Bill 1319, a flavor ban on vapor products. As an industry fighting to help end addiction to cigarette use, we must continue to preserve access to vape flavors for responsible, law-abiding adults, Added Wheeler at the time the study was published.

"As an association and as parents, RMSFA shares the same concerns that many parents have about youth vaping," said Wheeler. "In that same vein, our association supports keeping flavored vapor out of the hands of minors to further reduce their access to nicotine products."

Vapesourcing Opinion:

Experiments have proved that flavored products can increase the smoking cessation rate of adults and are not directly related to adolescent smoking. Regulatory authorities should refer to these experiments to make correct judgments.


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