Trends NZ City Criticised For Banning Vaping Due to ‘Unpleasantness’

Palmerston Norths Draft Auahi Kore Smokefree and Vapefree Policy 2020 does not support the countrys smokefree ambition. In fact, confusing vaping with smoking only hinders national progress on Smokefree 2025,said VTANZ spokesperson Jonathan Devery.

Devery pointed out that the Palmerston North city council is to be commended for addressing smoking in its outdoor areas policy, which is currently open to public consultation. However, he added, including vaping in this proposed ban is misguided and sends the wrong message about New Zealands most effective smoking cessation tool, which is even openly endorsed as such by the Ministry of Health.

Were down to an overall smoking rate of 12.5% and thats partly due to arrival of vaping which is considerable safer and significantly cheaper. By treating smoking and vaping the same, Palmerston North City Council is not being very clever. Its simply banishing the best tool to eliminate the dangers of tobacco in the community,said Devery.

Palmerston North City Council claims there are concerns about vaping which stem from the effect it is having on young people, and the rate of uptake of vaping. The reality, however, is there is no significant vaping problem among New Zealand youth. There certainly isnt an epidemic, nor is it a gateway to smoking. Experts and surveys prove that time and time again.

Study: There is no teen vaping “epidemic” in New Zealand

tLast January, analysing data from 27,083 students aged 14 and 15 via the annual ASH (Action for Smokefree 2025) survey, Kiwi researchers found that not only are smoking rates on the decline amongst local teenagers, but also that vaping is not being taken up by non-smoking teens. More specifically, only 0.8% of the participants who had never smoked were daily vapers.

Keeping in mind the low teen vaping rates and the benefit of the devices as smoking cessation tools, Devery feels that banning vaping on the basis of unpleasantness is unjustified. The council says the public believes there is an unpleasantness of being exposed to vapour in public. Well thats nothing more than snobbery! Some people also have an unpleasantness towards tattoos are they to be banned in public places next?

Unlike smoking, there are zero second-hand impact on others from vaping and again, science continues to prove that. Whats more, lets not forget were talking about expansive outdoor areas parks, reserves, walkways, the city centre and the likes. You might see it, but its very rarely, if ever, in your personal space,he added.

Vapesourcing Opinion:

Opponents always use various reasons to ban e-cigarettes, and these reasons are ultimately falsified. Ban is not a good way to stop people doing something.

Vaping is more health way for the person who cant quit nicotine.  There is no reason to ban it.


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